Amy Summers Poetry Blog
Poetry, spoken word, maybe even general musings about my life or my observations about the world and beyond. I find that when I write a poem a day it's like therapy for my soul. Being a performance artist and a lone wolf, it's nice to know someone out there reads them, makes me feel acknowledged, maybe it even touches you and makes you think.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Insight In
sadness lies
conscious attention
expands the vision
ocular solar system
eyes wide shut
on any of the planets
or realms beyond
there must be an
entity willing to
reflect in prisms
the expansive truth
of the love I emanate
when astrally projecting
Someone who dares
to look beyond what's
seen, into the soul's source
Friction fear ambiguity
a quagmire of self inflicted
gelatinous residue
Breathe deeply into these
places of conflict
see how the veins pulse
in rhythm with
the drum beat
of the mother's heart
The Universe is birthing
a new age of warriors
who light up illusions
with the truth which
lies behind the eyes
beyond the sadness
don't get stuck,
this container is
only temporary
live now in
exquisite harmony
focus on sight unseen...
Connecting Wishes
it seems
delicate fibers
weave elaborate
Universal orchestra
lights up hemispheres
connecting wishes
with memories
like mica in moonlight
Consoling my waking
container of self
whose only touch
emanates from
magic cat's paws
In dreams
I walk, left hand
on the Crow
Right palm lights
up each time I touch
Musical prodigy
our desire lit
like fireflies in heat
exquisite thinning veil
wake and dream...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
cosmic cleansing
tuning fork poised
Refined frequency
offers less static
to cling to
I will not craft
your story
despite being a natural
Love conduits
New Millennium of
Indigo sages
Raise high your
Meteor showers
recalibrate your chakras
I touch each one
with rose petal kisses
Each eyebrow's curve
a rainbow
expression of
Monday, August 6, 2012
Love Symphony Number Two
What's that madness you're a brewin?
You aromatic nut
There's a crack in my
cosmic egg
light shines forth no need to dread
Sound Doctor
tune into my elixir
our remedy could lay in
synthesizing the mixture
Aged tannins yield
potent concoctions...
what if our magic
was waiting to be unleashed?
Season well with self awareness
Knowing when to hold the tongue
Humility comes from vulnerability
Strength from letting go
Twenties governed by desire
Thirties led by spirit
Forties surrendering to fate
Illusion of control has no power here
Love, honor, respect, nurturing, sensuality,
creativity, patience, humor, inspiration...
even a commitment to the process
To trust the never ending journey
There are only eternal nows
conscious remembering
to be kind
selfless service
Sensuality has it's place too
It unleashes that which can't be named
Unlocks the door to that shared forgotten space
Infinite wisdom of the one...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Remedy # 22
You’ll know you’ve encountered
a toxic energy shaker if
your world feels like a maraca,
or if clouds appear sinister on a Spring day
to dispel shadowy residue
find a secluded hill overlooking a field
play a flute in this place until dusk,
witness purple light crest the mountain’s hips
shed your clothes and shoes,
wear only crystals and gems which were
bathed in sea salt and replenished under a full moon
kiss the fronts of both palms, first left then right
gently plant yourself among the grass and moss
fashion a crown of Dandelions, weave it through your hair
listen to bird song melt into the cicadas minuet
Hum from deep inside your being
Lay back and let the night wind ignite your skin
let the stars fill your eyes with universal hope
Sing the moon a lullabye while rising to your feet
Dance with the fullness of night's mystery
Call to a mountain and meet her
follow crystal veins in the rock's face
trek down her side until she smiles up at you
walk into the water and meet your reflection
Anoint your flesh with cool water
swim as the true mermaid that you are
let the fish tickle your toes without flinching
find a rock still warm from the day's sun
Lay upon it and rest, find a language all your own
let your song inform you of forgotten melodies
Breathe deeply touch the earth once again
return to your starting place
your energy is cleansed.
A.S. 5/22/2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Chics in Wheelchairs
"I have high standards
no chics in wheelchairs or ones who use canes"
In a meeting, a woman shared
"I deserve more than to be with a man
who walks with a cane."
I happened to be leading that meeting
she, so self absorbed didn't connect the dots
when, at the end, I rose with the aide of my cane.
I can't fault them, even I
say in the recesses of my mind
you're broken, unwanted...
They do not know that in the flash of a headlight
my life was altered from harmony to staccato rhythms
I know that I am still whole inside...
except for the hole where I bury my doubts, loneliness and fears.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Filters as Shields
she, an empath, a clairvoyant too
catching trails of thought
feels her way into a room.
The clambering tambourine
of your disquieted mind is too strong
buffering as best she can
adipose tissue, a painted fan
She sees a hole which you stuff with people places and things
braces herself, careful not to be sucked right in
knowing full well it is meant to be there
Mind races, pulse quickens, you're scared.
Part the curtains or sea, which can never stay still
The hole's not broken don't fix it, your conduit wails.
Each soul's not perfect, each egg has a crack
The hole is really a treasure map.
Instead of yearning, you might sit and pray
or if that's not your bag list ten good things you ate today
unimportant the method, you bring it forth
the hole is there to guide you, like a tuning fork.
A.S. 4/10/2011