Friday, July 16, 2010

A Few Weeks In

Pain robs me of sleep
palpating my aches
hurting my healing
ripping open my sleep
and knocking, no pounding
on my nerve centers
ice, pills when they let me
still it continues to scratch
no, thrash at me while
I lay, supine, two broken ankles
broken pelvis. Nurse yanking
and pulling me from side to side
she stuffs a plastic bed pan
change the chucks or wedge
ice into hard to reach places
I cry inwardly but ache until
tin tastes invade my essence.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't Take my Leg

Inside the Tulip, the red ones
is a black center
with yellow shining through
they open
I'm, no we are
not ready to lose a petal.

4 months In

Bad pen
knee protrudes
suture pokes it head through
thin skin
I am, no my bones are
walking on thin ice
my body and mind
a thawing lake
frozen for Winter
teardrops melting
the top layers
heat rising
sometimes with fury
grasping at slippery
edges desperate
not to go under
frozen forever
can't stop the melting
not a dream
those are quite
new to me again
the waking hours
a magnifying glass
aimed at my heart
my third eye waits
for rescue.