Sunday, May 22, 2011

Remedy # 22

You’ll know you’ve encountered

a toxic energy shaker if

your world feels like a maraca,

or if clouds appear sinister on a Spring day

to dispel shadowy residue

find a secluded hill overlooking a field

play a flute in this place until dusk,

witness purple light crest the mountain’s hips

shed your clothes and shoes,

wear only crystals and gems which were

bathed in sea salt and replenished under a full moon

kiss the fronts of both palms, first left then right

gently plant yourself among the grass and moss

fashion a crown of Dandelions, weave it through your hair

listen to bird song melt into the cicadas minuet

Hum from deep inside your being

Lay back and let the night wind ignite your skin

let the stars fill your eyes with universal hope

Sing the moon a lullabye while rising to your feet

Dance with the fullness of night's mystery

Call to a mountain and meet her

follow crystal veins in the rock's face

trek down her side until she smiles up at you

walk into the water and meet your reflection

Anoint your flesh with cool water

swim as the true mermaid that you are

let the fish tickle your toes without flinching

find a rock still warm from the day's sun

Lay upon it and rest, find a language all your own

let your song inform you of forgotten melodies

Breathe deeply touch the earth once again

return to your starting place

your energy is cleansed.

A.S. 5/22/2011

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