Monday, August 6, 2012

Love Symphony Number Two

What kind of flavor is your crazy?
What's that madness you're a brewin?
You aromatic nut

There's a crack in my
cosmic egg
light shines forth no need to dread

Sound Doctor
tune into my elixir
our remedy could lay in
synthesizing the mixture

Aged tannins yield
potent concoctions...
what if our magic
was waiting to be unleashed?

Season well with self awareness
Knowing when to hold the tongue
Humility comes from vulnerability
Strength from letting go

Twenties governed by desire
Thirties led by spirit
Forties surrendering to fate
Illusion of control has no power here

Love, honor, respect, nurturing, sensuality,
creativity, patience, humor, inspiration...
even a commitment to the process
To trust the never ending journey

There are only eternal nows
conscious remembering
to be kind
selfless service

Sensuality has it's place too
It unleashes that which can't be named
Unlocks the door to that shared forgotten space
Infinite wisdom of the one...


1 comment:

  1. Great piece, Amy. Favorite stanza:

    Sound Doctor
    tune into my elixir
    our remedy could lay in
    synthesizing the mixture

    Peace, Dave
